The GC&HHDA voted and resolved to support of the Davenport Historic Preservation Ordinance proposal at a meeting held June 25, 2011. The proposed changes in the existing ordinance would strengthen the penalties for willful demolition, clarify the role of Davenport City Council in the appeal process, achieve consistency with National Parks Service language for Historic Preservation, clarify the demolition process and the Certificate of Appropriateness. The resolution is as follows:
Because, the Gold Coast and Hamburg Historic District Association supports the preservation of Davenport’s built heritage,
And, because we support that the preservation of historic buildings and neighborhoods to improve the quality of life, encourage private investment, and generally enhance the economic viability of the entire city,
And, because we believe the proposed changes to the historic preservation ordinance will improve and clarify numerous portions of the existing ordinance that are confusing and unclear,
We hereby resolve, that The Gold Coast and Hamburg Historic District Association strongly supports the proposed changes to the Davenport Historic Preservation Ordinance and we strongly urge all of the Davenport City Council members to support the adoption of this amended ordinance by voting “YES” on this issue.
The GC&HHDA will actively pursue the passage of the proposal through petitions, letters and attendance at Davenport City Council meetings. Further discussions of the proposed changes at Council will likely be held in early August 2011. For further information or how you can help contact [email protected] or [email protected].