Many projects in the Gold Coast-Hamburg Historic District would never have reached fruition without the help of grants from various sources. These grants have been welcomed and have run the financial gamut from $150 to $60,000. Many of the grant projects have nudged other grant sources into matching funds. The single largest contributor is thanks to the Riverboat Development Authority (RDA) and the results of their generosity is seen in the Gold Coast Park’s gazebo and stone wall, the Western Ave. Steps railing, and the decorative lights on Gaines St. Since the instigation of the City of Davenport’s Community Partnership Program (CPP) grant program four years ago, the GC&HHDA has been the recipient of two grants that have also purchased and installed the decorative LED lights on Gaines St.
Other grants have been awarded thanks to Alderman’s Beautification Funds, Quad City Homebuilders, Tri-City Garden Club and United Neighbors. These are such projects as tree and flower plantings, walkways, the Western Ave. entry and other like projects. Presently the GC&HHDA is applying for grant money for improvements to the Scott St. Steps area that will be similar to Western Ave.