Gold Coast Park & Western Ave. Steps

GCPark-2Western archThe GC-HHDA Beautification Committee with Terry Genz as Chair has set dates for the spring clean up of the Gold Coast Park and the Western Ave. Steps. Park clean up will be the morning of April 20, 2013 and Western Ave. Steps on June 8, 2013. Contact [email protected] for details.
The Gold Coast Park was deeded to the Association by the City of Davenport, transformed from deteriorating apartment houses that burned in the 1990’s to an area that now boasts a gazebo, retaining wall, park benches, trees and plantings that have all been projects of the Gold Coast. This little pocket park on the 700 block of Ripley St. is one of the many jewels of this historic neighborhood.
The Western Ave. Steps are owned by the City of Davenport but have long been maintained by the GC-HHDA. Glorious golden lilies bloom all along the steps in the summer, and the area also contains decorative iron railings, an arched entry, park bench, an educational kiosk and other plantings. A very steep hillside, the area has always been a pedestrian walkway and has never been opened to vehicular traffic.